Acupuncture & Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE): A Holistic Approach to Managing Autoimmunity
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the esophagus, the tube that connects the throat to the stomach. EoE is often triggered by an immune response to specific allergens or environmental factors. When these triggers are present, eosinophils accumulate in the esophagus, leading to inflammation and damage to the esophageal tissue. Over time, this can result in a range of symptoms and complications, including difficulty swallowing, food impaction, chest pain, heartburn, and even esophageal strictures.
This blog article will detail a 20 year old patient suffering from EoE since a young child, and the massive relief he has experienced through utilizing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine at Galen Wilson Acupuncture San Luis Obispo.
Diagnosed at the age of 5, this patient suffered from a wide variety of symptoms, although many of these had been mitigated over the years through drastically changing his diet to avoid inflammatory trigger foods. When he came to see me, the patient was complaining of upper respiratory symptoms: watery eyes, severe sneezing, asthmatic breathing, severely painful sore throat, and multiple relentless nose bleeds on a daily basis. These symptoms were aggravated by environmental triggers such as grass, pollen and dust, and were so intense that they were limiting his ability to compete on his college basketball team.
His results with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine at Galen Wilson Acupuncture San Luis Obispo have been nothing short of miraculous. Nearly 100% of his symptoms have been completely resolved, and he is able to compete at a high level of athletics once again. He has experienced zero side-effects from the treatment methods utilized, and feels great on a day-to-day basis. Chinese medicine is a powerful tool in addressing all manner of autoimmunity, and this case study is testament to that.
If you or somebody you know suffers from an autoimmune condition, reach out today to schedule an initial visit at Galen Wilson Acupuncture San Luis Obispo.