Immune Strengthening Chicken Soup
With Fall upon us and Winter approaching, now is the perfect time to bolster our immune systems.
During the Fall and Winter time, I eat this soup almost on a daily basis - usually for breakfast, strangely enough! It is hassle free (just heat it up from the fridge), and gives me a nice, nutritious start to my day.
I have also used this recipe with many of my patients, for both fortifying the immune system to ward off infections, as well as to assist in fighting off and recovering from a current infection. Over the past year, I have helped quite a few patients in recovering from COVID-19 infections, and have prescribed this soup recipe to all of them.
Chinese Herbs & Food
In Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese culture, the line between herbs and food is very small, and there are a handful of herbs that stand right in the middle. While not necessary to make a nourishing batch of soup, they definitely do add an additional layer of immune-building depth (as well as flavor!), and I always include some when making this soup at home.
“Do they sell these medicinal Chinese herbs at Whole Foods?” No! They do not! But fret not - if you are interested in adding any of these, I can make a goodie-bag for you to throw into your next batch of soup.
Herbs in Soup
1) Bai Mu Er - Tremella Mushroom/Snow Ear/Wood Ear Mushroom
In Traditional Chinese Herbalism, Bai Mu Er is used to moisten the Lungs, strengthen the immune system, and to assist in expelling phlegm out of the Lungs.
Western research has shown the Tremella Mushroom to be high in Vitamin D (boost immune function), to have anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties, and to be high in polysaccharides (which help hydrate and nourish the skin, promote nerve growth and support the brain, and slow tumor growth).
2) Gou Qi Zi - Goji Berries
Goji berries are used in Traditional Chinese Herbalism to nourish the blood and benefit the eyes, and to generally strengthen the body .
Western research has shown that (among other things), Goji berries are very potent immune system tonics and even protect against cancer!
3) Gan Jiang - Dried Ginger Rhizome
Gan Jiang is a slightly spicier member of the ginger family - I particularly enjoy adding this to my soups when the weather really starts to get cold. It is quite potent so don’t add too much or it will take over your soup! Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizes Gan Jiang to warm the interior and expel cold, as well as to help eliminate mucus in the Lungs.
Ginger has been heavily researched in the Western world, and has been proven to have a plethora of benefits, many of them relating to the immune system.
4) Ren Shen/Dang Shen - Ginseng Root/Cordonopsis Root
While many people have heard of Ginseng root, it is extraordinarily expensive (if you are getting high quality, legitimate ginseng), and often times Dang Shen is used in place of it. These herbs both tonify the “qi,” which essentially translates to boosting your body’s overall energy and vitality. Western research has shown Dang Shen to be effective in treating a variety of disorders, including pulmonary, cardiac and gastrointestinal.
Chicken Soup Recipe
-4 Organic Bone-in Chicken Thighs
-4 cloves garlic
-Thumb of ginger
-4 carrots
-3 stalks celery
-1 medium sweet potato
-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
-32 oz. Organic Chicken Broth
-Salt and pepper to taste
-Parsley or Cilantro (to top)
Combine all the ingredients in your crock pot (chopping up vegetables to your desired size), and cook on low for 8-12 hours…and that’s it! Super easy recipe, and super easy way to get that immune system firing on all cylinders! Store it in the fridge and heat up a bowl-full whenever you like - enjoy!